We are fascinated at the vastness of the observable universe. If we wish to apply a model of the universe using smaller entities from our regular life, it can give us a simpler perspective to the size of the cosmos we perceive.
Let us take our sun and equate it to the nucleus of a Hydrogen atom - yes, a proton. If we take the diameter of the sun to be the diameter of the nucleus of the atom, then the electron orbiting the sun is actually at 20 times the distance of Pluto! Rather, Pluto is orbiting the nucleus at 1/20th of the distance of the first electron at the highest energy level (1s orbital). Earth is much closer - just 1/1000th of the distance the electron would be held at!
Now, how does the currently perceivable limits of the universe scale when the sun is the size of the proton? With simple, back of the envelope calculations, we can find that the approximate size that humans can observe with current instruments is about twice the length of the Titanic. Yes, that is about it. Approximately 535 metres in each direction - so the entire observable universe from end-to-end would be a bit more than a kilometer.
Where do we fit in, in this model? We are obviously the size of a minute dot in this Hydrogen atom. Each person would be the size of a dot 3 billionths of the size of that nucleus, orbiting at a distance of 215 times the size of the nucleus. The earth is approx 1/100th the size of this nucleus (approximately 109 per Wikipedia article on Sun).
What is the size of the Milky Way in that case? The milky way will fit into a small ball-bearing - yes, approximately 2 mm diameter on the elongated side of the spiral galaxy. That is, it is a spiral between 1.1mm - 2mm in size.
That is all? That is it? Yes, that is the limits of our abilities, science and scientific instruments we have constructed till date.
Here is a tid-bit: How many molecules of gaseous Hydrogen will fit into that Milky way galaxy in this comparison? If we would like to compare the number of hydrogen atoms in 1.1mm to 2mm size Milky way, with the number of stars that are estimated to exist in this galaxy, we have about 250,000 hydrogen atoms for each star in the galaxy. This shows how sparsely Milky way is populated by stars, compared to standard 1 atomospheric pressure Hydrogen atoms (solar systems) in similar scale.
Open question that we will discuss later: Is there a possibility that the universe is much larger? Yes, it is very much possible. One has to read up on Cosmic microwave radiation to look for one example of unexplained uniformity from currently observed lumped galaxies and vast empty space.
Firstly of all, hope you all followed your own individual rigorous scientific steps on evening of Dec 31st, with very measured downing of spirits (where applicable) to uplift the spirits and herald in the New Year in one of the best of yearly rituals. Wish you all a prosperous 2017, when we reach higher towards our goals.
- We seem to follow never ending repeat steps day-in and day-out, from morning till evening, with a nice end-goal in mind - for 5 days a week (sometimes 6 or even 7). Some strict schedules are followed in these rituals with simple regular expectation of returns - compensation. It does not stop there, as we also expect something more, for having done the processes in meticulous manner - a promotion and / or big increment. However, this is not guaranteed, as that depends on the specific procedures that have been followed in the previous 365 days in direct relationship with boss(es). Unless boss(es)' wishes had been carried out explicitly or subtly, like laughing at their mundane jokes in measured manner, taking up their work & giving them the credit for job well done by us, and some favors done which are not so easily expressed in this civil forum, the efforts at work don't yield the expected bonus fruit. Yet, these are the rituals we repeat week after week, month after month and year after year. In search of something - compensation, status, assets, happiness in future?
Our Modern Rituals |
- Belief that modern technological steps like checking emails many times a day, being available for conference calls at god forbidden hours (small g) are the super methods provided to us by science for our growth.
- If we do not follow simple procedures when we start the vehicle and begin driving, then additional steps need to be performed to correct the same. If one has not switched on the blue-tooth, then either pull over to do the same - or check the road, mirrors, etc., before switching them on, on-the-go. Prayaschittham is always there, dictated by science to ensure accident free remedy. If the wires and ear plugs were not put in place before the drive, then shoving the mobile phone inside the helmet can be achieved, by following 1 or 2 different methods as alternative - of course, following strict methodology to avoid accidents. We love to follow these simple logical steps again and again - every day (and alternatives at times), in order to get the benefits of science's donations to our lives. Science however has prescribed all the steps & alternatives. Each one follows a strict procedure for every ride, every day, every week... However, for every missed sub-task, there is a set of operations to set things right (though the fact that these are predefined operating procedures is easily overlooked).
- Science has enhanced our lives' main ambitions - to gossip, complain, boast, talk (and ignore/ not listen) - by providing new technologies that fast forward the same. We love the rituals and the goals too - in this case... Nothing like complaining (without looking for solutions), sugar-coating of achievements, shoving problems under the rug, etc.
Tracking - CAG |
- The CAG (Comptroller Auditor General a.k.a. ChitrA Gupta) keeps track of your adherence to scientific processes - like hours spent at work, hours spent on social media, official mails processed outside work hours, appropriate social behaviour in presence of bosses & management, etc., in order to allocate appropriate resources to you. Accumulating the necessary resources through-out life is the supreme mantra for our enlightenment. (BTW, after cyclone Vardah, there is more Gayab-tree rather than Gayathri)
- Oh, how did we miss the rigorous process we start at age 3 (or earlier) and continue till we are 21, 22, 24, 25 or 28? Yes, that nice Basic Scientific process called "education" - we so amazingly devote so much of time in getting many things close to perfection during the short couple of decades. Every person wants their ward(s) to follow this ritual without fail with different goals in mind (their goals and/or ward's goals). Some plan for first year result, medium term expectations or long-term life goals. Some have 2-year expectation, 5-year plan or 10-year vision of future. We work through science-prescribed rigorous steps of waking up early in morning and rushing through, packed like sardines with similar aged folks, returning home after lot of studies, bit of play and some general learning - all towards the end-goals. Is there any guarantee that a person skilled in Mathematics will not end up a clinical assistant (where counting the pulse is maximum Maths one may do - or may compare the lab result numbers to the range of numbers given in the guideline charts), or a person interested in healing & human body does not end up as a teller in a bank counting notes? No - but we still follow the scientific process outlined by generations (oh sorry, only past 6 to 15 generations) in search of our varied goals. Is that better - or some other rituals (oh, I thought those were scientific too) prescribed for many millenia will be the best to take us through the travails of our insignificant life in this enormous cosmos?
- Only 2 or 3 or 4 people need to follow procedures in order to perform a complex task of transporting hundreds / thousands of people in one go. The pilot / driver, the co-pilot / conductor / guard, the ATC / station masters - if they follow their scientific rituals can ensure people reaching their goals. However, the same concept cannot be and should not be applied to any processes/ procedures followed over millenia, because there is no proof that they are for "Yogak-shemam vahamyaham". So, I guess scientific methods are really important - but...
- Oil made in India is bad, but those made based on recent science are so great that we are being delivered from near extinction. No, it is not economics - it is pure scientific research without any ulterior motives. Really? Coconut oil, Sesame oil & Groundnut oil are bad for us in India? Come on...
Modern Science??? |
- Social media is an excellent scientific tool to spread 9% lies and 90% exaggerations. That is so awesome that we come together and live closer together (in 'apart'ments), but behave like zombies in front of our neighbours, not knowing from which planet they have landed.
- We should not reduce salt intake when you have high-BP, because it is not proven scientifically with recorded statistics (up to end of 20th century)... and now that it has been proven scientifically, it is the science community that must be awarded encomiums to having amazingly introduced this great concept to humanity. Something which has been followed for some generations in India, without any other prescription of diet or medicines.
- We get super-excited watching shouting wars in the middle of our living rooms, staged miles away, through a rectangular portal, thinking the methodical feed of data will somehow enhance our life - either towards our goals, or just destressing from our other exciting daily rituals.
- No imports of your stuff without DDT treatment... then, after you destroy your lands - DDT is bad for food and hence we will not import your food stuff. That is top-class scientific research of the 20th century.
- Ghee is the evil invented in Bharatha kanda, in order to subjugate all humans. Thank God science has come to deliver us. Tamarind, Neem, Turmeric, anti-bacterial treatment of homes, streets, self, - all are evil - per research, until it is given up - and then re-introduced from the scientific community as outstanding findings of the entire 14 billion years. Oh, I love my cow produce like milk, butter, ghee, etc. (oops, I should not discriminate on sex - bull produce too)
- ENJOY - Still we all should enjoy our own individual methodologies, procedures & processes developed carefully since the age of 1 upto age of 18 (or whichever age is attributed to Albert Einstein's quotes), and then polished - so that we excel & succeed in our lives. We should leave behind the mundane rituals developed over millenia, because the end-goals are not guaranteed - while our scientific tools & technologies guarantee the greatest of achievements in our lives, time & time again, in such a repeatable fashion that in last 200 years humans have never ever been sooooo happy.
PS: This is what a cyclone, followed by eager folks who want to saw off cut trees to smaller pieces, at 1:30 AM using a chain-saw, does to people. Especially when it was supposed to be a "Silent Night, Holy night" (night of 24th December).
PPS: I retain the right to rescind some or all of above statements, as and when I get enlightened & move from my small sandbox, to reach out towards TBS (not Turner Broadcasting system, but Totally Bureaucratic Sanity).